Times 9 am to 12:30 pm
Check here for any workshops for youth on days off of school.
Have any questions? Email education@cowichanvalleyartscouncil.ca
November 25 , 2022
Making Seasonal Crafts ages 9-13
Join CVAC for a morning of crafting small items from different cultural celebrations. These may be used as decorations or small gifts.
Materials will be provided, bring a snack
February 17 , 2023
Making a mask and head dress for carnival ages 9-13
Around the world Carnival season is rich with celebrations and costumes!
Using cardboard, paper, fabric and decorative materials each participant will create a fantasy mask and head dress .
Materials will be provided, bring a snack
REGISTER HERE: not open yet
April 17. 2023
Nature Art for Earth Day ages 9-13
Let’s celebrate earth day by creating an art piece with materials gathered from nature.
We will take a walk to collect things and work in the studio to make our pieces.
Materials will be provided, bring a snack
REGISTER HERE: not open yet
May 5, 2023
Sculpting with clay ages 9-13
Clay naturally invites us to sculpt and make shapes. Other materials can be incorporated to complete the sculpture. Take home a scene built on 12×12” board
Materials will be provided, bring a snack
REGISTER HERE: not open yet