The People of CVAC!
We are a close-knit community of Board Members, staff, artisans, and patrons, bolstered by the support of our volunteers who work tirelessly to turn a vision into reality.
We believe in the extraordinary potential of the arts to enrich and engage a community.
Our Board & Team
The Board of Directors are elected by the membership of the Cowichan Valley Arts Council at their Annual General Meeting. The Board may appoint Directors from the membership to fill vacancies which occur between General Meetings. Interested in finding out about the Board, CVAC Bylaws and valuable and fun work?

Prior to moving to the Island, Janet was a school administrator in Alberta. She and her husband raised two amazing young men, who now live in Edmonton and Germany. Janet runs a small pottery studio called Shades of Green and the couple’s aim is to farm their small acreage. She joined CVAC within a month after moving here because of the opportunity of networking with other artists and to serve in the community. Janet coordinated the Cowichan Valley Fine Arts Show for 2017 and 2018.
Janet joined the Board in 2018.

kimmer is a Contemporary Artist that holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), and a Certificate in Gallery and Studio Management from Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University. Since Graduation in December of 2021, kimmer set herself up in a studio in Mill Bay, became a member of CVAC, and joined the exhibition instillation (Hanging) crew. To further her involvement in our community, and share skills in Adult Education, Public Speaking, and Occupational Health and Safety, kimmer joined the CVAC the board in 2024. |

Brenda is an innovative artist and life coach working in diverse media to seed the world with wonder and joy. She dabbles in mixed media collage, acrylics, surface design, and metal sculpture. Brenda’s infatuation with nature and her love of colour, as well as her obsession with the organic line are evident in all of her work.
Brenda joined the Board in 2021.

Cam Russell is a retired college instructor. He founded the Fine Furniture Program at Camosun College in 1987 and taught the course for the next 30 years. Since retiring he keeps busy at his studio/workshop, Coventry Woodworks making furniture, built-ins and wooden automotive trim. He has curated numerous furniture exhibitions including: “We Don’t Make Them Like They Used To” in 2004, “Cascadia” in 2007 and “Making It” in 2018.
Cam joined the Board in 2019.

Colette Colgrove, artist name Bacon, is a multi-faceted, Canadian artist, from family of talented artists, creating since childhood. She uses art as a creative outlet for personal challenges that have significant impact in her life. She works primarily with acrylic on canvas, in detailed paintings and fluid artwork (pouring). Prior her art career, Colette was an Executive Administrative Assistant and Human Resources Manager for a Chartered Professional Accounting firm. She also served six years as a council member for her church. |
Having moved to Cowichan in 2022, she is looking forward to getting involved and supporting other artists in their journeys
Colette joined the Board in 2023.

Terry Harrison has been with Visions Art Tour Society for about 20 years, coordinating the studio tour and three or four gallery shows annually. Terry paints on glass, tiles and clothing. She exhibits and sell s in her home studio. Terry has been a business owner, newspaper reporter, singer, dancer, farmer, breeder and florist. |
Terry joined the Board in 2023.

Michael Grimminck spent much of his career as a case manager helping people who are experiencing homelessness find and maintain housing. He has spent a lot of time in Africa working on a mental health education project. It was in Africa he found his love of photography and the arts. Michael is working toward his degree in visual arts at the Vancouver Island University.
Michael joined the Board in 2022.

Calvin is from the Village of Kwa’mutsun, with lineage to the villages of Lhumlhumuluts, Qwum'yiqun, Xinupsum, Malahat, and Katzie. He is a Cowichan Tribes Councillor, having served 26 years as an elected official. Calvin developed the Restorative Justice Program for Cowichan Tribes & has served on committees regarding Child Law, Education, Treaty & more. He is an Elder Knowledge Keep for the British Columbia First Nation Justice Council. |
As an RCMP officer, Calvin received the Long Service & Good Conduct Medals & was recognized by the National Indigenous Veterans Association.
Calvin joined the Board in 2024.

Well known in the region as the former events and membership manager for the Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce, Croft was previously self employed as a video producer, publisher and communications consultant. Most recently, she was the director of grant management for the Cowichan Intercultural Society. She has also been a local school trustee since 2014. Croft has degrees in communications from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) and Royal Roads University, as well as a diploma in adult education from the University of Alberta.

Elke Cole is planning youth programs as well as an impressive array of workshops and courses for adults for CVAC. After studying architecture in her native Germany, she facilitated natural building projects in Europe, India, Canada and Africa. Elke is also an emerging fibre artist.
Elke joined in October 2022

Victoria Blouin is an artist from the Cowichan Valley. She graduated from Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo with her BA in visual arts. Her preference is painting, especially watercolour. This does not stop her from trying various mediums and techniques when creating art.
Victoria joined the board in 2020.
Board Duties & Bylaws
President: Presides at meetings, provides support, guidance and supervision to the directors, and advises on issues related to arts and culture in the Cowichan Valley Regional District.
Vice-President: Assists the President and, in the absence of the President, exercises all duties and possesses all powers of the President.
Past-President: Assists the Vice-President and, in the prolonged absence of the Vice-President, exercises all duties and possesses all powers of the Vice President.
Secretary: Ensures that all books and records of the Society are kept in safe custody, that correspondence is carried out, and that correct records of the proceedings of all meetings of the Society are maintained.
Treasurer: Ensures that there are proper and accurate records of all receipts and disbursements of the funds of the Society, that signing authorities are valid and up-to-date, and that required budgets, financial statements, and requests for grants are prepared.
Incorporated February 2, 1971 Under the Society Act of British Columbia
Revised June 2014
- Membership shall be open to any individual or group that supports the purposes of the Society.
- There shall be four classes of membership:
Student: Up to and including post secondary (1 vote per)
Individual: Regular members (1 vote per)
Family: Two or more members of the same family (1 vote)
Group: Artistic group of unrelated members (1 vote) - Membership shall be granted to any applicant who has applied for membership, paid the membership dues and been accepted by the Board.
- Each classification of membership is entitled to one vote. One individual may not represent more that one vote at any General Meeting.
- There shall be no voting by proxy.
- There shall be no initiation fee.
- Rates of annual dues for each class of membership shall remain in force until changed by the incoming Board at the First General Meeting following its election at the Annual General Meeting.
- Any changes to annual dues shall take effect on April 1st following the Annual General Meeting.
- Memberships expire on March 31st of the applicable fiscal year.
- Annual dues for each class of membership shall be paid in one of the following ways:
I. On or before April 1st of the fiscal year for which they apply;
II. For a three year period, on or before April 1st in advance;
III. For a period of less than one year for first-time members
only, on a pro- rated basis to be determined by the Board of
Directors. As of April 1st , 2014, and for the period of January 1st to March 31st of each year, individuals who are becoming CVAC members for the first time or who are rejoining after a lapsed membership pay $15.00 (instead of $25.00); families who are becoming CVAC members for the first time or who are rejoining after a lapsed membership pay $35.00 (instead of $45.00); Groups who are becoming CVAC members for the first time or who are rejoining after a lapsed membership pay $35.00 (instead of $45.00) and students who are becoming CVAC members for the first time or who are rejoining after a lapsed membership pay $10.00 (instead of $15.00).
f. There shall be no rebate of annual dues.
- Members shall be entitled to attend all General Meetings and to vote in accordance with 1.d on all matters providing they have been members in good standing for at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which they intend to vote.
- Members may speak to any question and are entitled to stand for office providing they have been members in good standing for at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which they wish to stand for office.
- A member may withdraw from membership any time by letter.
- The names of members who have failed to pay the annual dues in accordance with Section 2 shall be removed from the list of members.
- A member may be expelled for behaviour detrimental to the Society by Special Resolution of the members passed at a General Meeting or an Extraordinary Meeting.
- A Notice of Special Resolution for expulsion shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the reasons for the proposed expulsion.
- The person or organization who/which is the subject of the proposed expulsion shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the General Meeting before the Special Resolution is put to a vote.
- Directors, Officers and Associate Representatives must be in good standing of the Society.
- The Board of Directors shall not exceed 12 Directors including Executive Officers and up to 7 Directors at large.
- The Officers of the Society shall be the President, Vice-President, Past-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- No Director shall be remunerated for being a Director, but a Director may be reimbursed for all expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by him/her while engaged in the affairs of the Society.
- The Executive Officers of the Society shall be elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
- The term of office for Executive Officers of the Society shall be one year.
- The other Directors of the Society (to a maximum of 7) shall be elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
- The term of office for other Directors shall be two years.
- To provide stability to the Society, up to four of the other Directors shall be elected to two year terms each year.
- The Board may appoint Directors from the membership to fill vacancies on the Board.
- The Officers and Directors of the Society shall take office at the last order of business at the Annual General Meeting.
- The members, by Special Resolution, may remove a Director before the expiration of his/her term of office and may elect a successor to complete the term of office.
- The Board of Directors shall be responsible for formulating, evaluating and revising policies and programs of the Society.
- The President, Vice-President, Past-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall form the Executive Committee which shall be chaired by the President.
- The standing committees of the Society (Finance, Personnel, Programs and Advocacy) shall be chaired by members of the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors.
- The President or Past President shall Chair an Advisory Committee to the Board of Directors on issues related to arts and culture issues within the Regional District. The Advisory Committee shall be made up of one member from each of the Group members that wish to participate in the Committee.
- The President shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors, General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting. He/she will provide support, guidance and supervision to the Officers and Directors of the Society. He/she shall be a member ex officio of all committees. In the case of equality of votes the President does not have a casting vote; rather the motion shall be tabled and referred to the appropriate committee.
- The Vice President shall assist the President and in the absence of the President will exercise all duties and possess all the powers of the President.
- The Past-President shall assist the Vice-President and in the prolonged absence of the Vice-President will exercise all duties and possess all powers of the Vice President, including exercising the duties of the President should the President also be on a prolonged absence
- The Secretary will ensure that:
i. all books and records of the Society, past and present, are kept in safe custody;
ii. that correspondence is carried out and that the records of membership, by class of membership, are kept up to date; and
iii. that a correct record of proceedings of all meetings of the Society and its Board of Directors is maintained. - The Treasurer will ensure that:
i. there is proper receipt and disbursement of all funds of the Society;
ii. all funds are deposited in a chartered bank that is in good standing in Canada or a trust company or credit union that is registered in British Columbia and in good standing under the Financial Institutions Act.;
iii. all financial institution signing authorities are valid and up to date;
iv. an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements is kept; ensuring that the annual budget, financial statements, requests for grants and other fund raising proposals are prepared; and
v. financial statements for the preceding Fiscal Year at each Annual General Meeting together with the Budget for the coming year. - Directors may be expelled from the Board of Directors by a majority vote of the Board if they miss three (3) consecutive meetings without good reason or otherwise are inactive members of the Board.
- Voters at the AGM may agree to waive an audit or appoint a finance committee consisting of three (3) members of the Society but must ensure an independent Review Engagement Report is undertaken for the previous Fiscal Year.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held within 90 days
- following the Fiscal Year End.
- The Fiscal Year End of the Society shall be March 31.
- At least 30 days notice shall be given of the Annual General Meeting in a manner agreed to by the members, and specifying the time and place of the meeting.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held each calendar year.
- Other meetings of the general membership shall be held at the discretion of the
- Board.
- Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held monthly to carry on the affairs of the Society.
- No Business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Board of Directors unless a quorum is present. A quorum shall be fifty per cent of the Directors.
- Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the recognized rules of parliamentary procedure for the Society’s meetings.
- All funds obtained by the Society with the exception of the Gaming Account shall be considered general funds of the Society and subject to the accounting procedures approved by the Board of Directors.
- All funds expended by the Society shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and to the accounting procedures approved by the Board.
- The Executive Officers shall be signing officers. Any two of them are required to sign cheques and other financial documents.
- Upon application to the Board of Directors, all books, accounts and records of the Society shall be open for inspection by the membership of the Society that are in good standing. No provision has been made for borrowing.
- On being admitted to membership, each member will be advised that the Constitution and Bylaws are posted on the Society’s web-site.
- Any member who indicates that he or she wishes to receive a paper copy of the Constitution and Bylaws is entitled to one and the Society shall provide a copy to each member who requests a copy, at a charge of not more than one dollar.
- The Constitution and Bylaws of the Society shall not be altered or added t o except by Special Resolution at an Annual General meeting or a Special Meeting of the Society. A Special Resolution shall mean a resolution passed by a 3⁄4 majority of members who are entitled to vote and are present in person at such a meeting.
- A request to change the Constitution or Bylaws may be made at any time if 10 percent or more of the members in good standing submit a letter to the Secretary with a statement of suggested changes. If such a letter is submitted, the Board is required to call and Extraordinary Meeting and mail a copy of the Special Resolution to all members in good standing with at least 14 days notice.