Blending art and musical performance! Artists will create a painting inspired by live music by Laura Anderson and the C Chords( Anderson on ukulele, harmonica and vocals; Steve Flood, Bass; Dave Morgan keyboards, and Arlo Rankin percussion). Watch it all happen in real-time and vote for your favourites. There will be a cash bar. Limited capacity, get your tickets now.
Artists participating in our first ART ATTACK: you will provide your medium and painting implements and we supply you with canvases. Five artists will start out on their 20-minute paintings to one of the musical themes of the night: Colour, Dance and Latin Fiesta. The audience will decide the winner of that round. The next five artists will start their paintings and the audience will decide the winner. The final round will be a paint off between the two winners of the first and second rounds. Art produced that night can be for sale. Email