“The First” Islands Printmaking Biennial 2024 is hosted by Printmakers Only Group (The POGs), established in the Cowichan Valley, BC, in 1989.
A show connecting printmaking groups and individual printmakers living on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands in British Columbia. This show is non-juried.
Carefully read ALL details and information BEFORE submitting your entry.
Show Dates – June 8th – July 5th, 2024.
Registration starts – January 15, 2024.
Updated: Registration closes on March 15, 2024, or when the number of pieces reaches capacity.
Drop Off – Thursday, June 6th (10 am – 3 pm)
Pick Up – Monday, July 8th (10 am – 2 pm )
Printmaking Groups and Societies, if possible, please organize a group drop-off. For example, if 15 Printmakers from Victoria Print Society have work for the show, have one or two people deliver them. We will have people at the gallery end to help unload—all packaging to be taken home.
Submission fee – $40 for the two original prints in this non-juried show.
All forms of printmaking are welcome, including lithography, intaglio, relief, screen print, monotype, 3D prints and other expanded mixed media practices in printmaking. If using some non-printmaking processes in prints, they can be up to 25% (e.g. painting, stitching). Works must have been completed in the last two years. Photographs and machine-produced reproductions will not be accepted. 2D prints must be framed and ready to hang. Contact Janine for any questions at pogcowichan@gmail.com.
For information on artwork hanging requirements, visit our page here.
Registration is now closed.